Ethical Hacking | 40+ Linux Commands For Beginners

The command which will be shown here are used or is similar in different flavors of linux distribution. So,  here are some of the basic linux commands that we will be seeing today which are as follows:-

  • date :- The date command is used command line ( or we can say CLI) to see the current date.
  • calc :- The calc command in cli is used to see the calendar.
  • ls :- The ls command in used to list the files in a directory.
  • cd :- Full form of cd is change directory. The cd command is used to switch between directory.
  • who :- The who command is used to see the list of current login user.
  • rm or rm -rf :- The rm command is used to remove a file or a directory in linux.  
  • mv :- The mv command is used to move a file or can be used to rename a file. 
  • history :- The history command is used to see all the commands used.
  • mkdir :- The mkdir is a command used to create a directory in linux. 
  • cat :- The cat command in linux is used to read the content of a specific file. 
  • vim :- The vim command in linux is basically used for edting text.
  • head :- The head command is used to see the first line of a specific para or content in a file.
  • tail :- The head command is used to see the last n number of lines of a specific content in a file.
  • clear :- The clear command is used to clear the screen in kali linux.
  • pwd :- The pwd commands used to print the present location of the directory we are in.
  • cp :- The cp command in linux is used to copy and paste a file from one path to another path.
  • man :- The man command is used to provide full information (like wikipedia) of a command. 
  • tree / lsblk :- The tree / lsblk command shows the files of a directory in a branched format. 
  • chown :- The chown command in linux is used to change the ownership or user of a file.
  • chmod :- The chmod command in linux is used to change permission of a specific file. 
For eg:- To provide permission to read write and execute. Like chmod +x , chmod -x , chmod +621 , etc. Here, the number denotes the specific permission 4 for read , 2 for write , 1 for execute and 7 for all.  
  • chgrp:- The chgrp command is used to change group permission in a specific file.
  • Find :- The find command is used to find a specific file in a directory/group of Directory.
  • grep :- Then grep command is used in sorting where we need a find specific content from file. 
  • cut :- The cut command is used to cut and show the specific content as an output of a file. 
  • blkid :- The blkid command in linux is used to print the block devices properly.
  • whois :- The command whois in linux shows the information of a particular mentioned website. 
  • init 0 :- The init 0 command in linux tells the machine to shut down.
  • init 6 :- The init 6 command in linux tells the machine to reboot.
  • wget / curl :- The wget/curl command is to download a file or make a request for a url. 
  • touch :- The command touch in linux is used to create a file.
  • ping :- The ping command is used to check the host up in a network and the internet connectivity.
  • kill :- The kill command in linux  is used to kill the processes running. 
  • ps / finger :- The command finger / ps are same. Their use is to check the process running. 
  • fsck :- The command fsck is a system utility tool for checking the consistency of a file system. 
  • echo :- The command echo in linux is used to print the line witten in front of it in quotes. 
  • scp :- The command scp in linux is used to send or transfer file between servers.
  • rsync :- The command rsync is used to transfer file on server but will not copy same file.
  • uname :- The command uname in linux provides every information about the operating system.
  • passwd :- The command passwd in linux is used to set or change password of a user.
  • adduser :- The command adduser in linux is used to add users.

  • ifconfig :- This linux command  provides you the public/private ip address of network.

  • nmtui :- This linux command is network utility tool for troubleshooting.

  • nmcli :- This linux command is a network command line tool for reporting and managing network problems. 

And many more to go......... 

So, i hope you like our post regarding the 40+ linux commands for beginners. So, please share with your friends to provide us motivation.    


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